Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Specifications
Air Conditioner
ItemSpecificationCompressorType6VSe14Oil type & CapacityFD46XG (IDEMITSU) 110 ± 10 g (3.88 ± 0.35 oz.)Pulley type6PK-TYPEDisplacement142 cc/revExpansion valveTypeBlock typeRefrigerantTypeR-134aCapacity500 ± 25 g (17.6 ± 0.88 oz.)
Blower Unit
ItemSpecific ...
Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Owners Manual: Wireless Cellular Phone Charging System
[A]: Indicator light, [B]: Charging pad
On certain models, the vehicle comes equipped with a wireless cellular phone
The system is available when all doors are closed, and when the ignition switch
is ON.
To charge a cellular phone
The wireless cellular phone charging system charge ...