Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor (FTPS) Specifications
Pressure [kPa (kgf/cm?, in H2O)Output Voltage (V)-6.67 (-0.068, -26.8)0.502.5+6.67 (0.068, 26.8)4.5
Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Special Service Tools
Special Service Tools
Tool(Number and Name)IllustrationUse09495-3K000Band installerInstallation of ear type boot band09495-39100Band installerInstallation of hook type boot band09568-1S100Ball joint pullerSaperate the ball joint from the front axle09495-33000PullerRemoval of spider assembly fro ...