Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Relay Box (Passenger Compartment) Description and Operation
Auto Cut System of Dark Current
AbbreviationExpalnationACUAirbag Control UnitADMAssist Door ModuleB_CANBody Controller Area NetworkBCMBody Control ModuleBSDBlind Spot DetectionC_CANChassis Controller Area NetworkCLUCluster ModuleDATCDual Automatic Temp ControlDDMDriver Door ModuleE ...
Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Oil Pump Components and Components Location
1. Housing - Oil pump2. Cover - Oil pump3. Gear - Oil pump drive4. Gear - Oil pump driven5. Shaft - Reaction6. Oil - Seal7. Sleeve8. Bearing - Housing9. Cap - Sealing10. Needle roller bearing11. Bolt12. Snap ring - Housing