Hyundai Elantra: Windshield Deicer / Components and Components Location

Component Location
Windshield deicer system prevent windshield wiper from freezing in the winter season. It consists of deicer in the lower part of windshield, switch and relay. Body control module receives an input signal from the front defroster switch, then controls relay.
When the front defroster switch is switched ON, and the engine is running with generator output, the deicer will go ON for a maximum of 20 minutes.

1. Body control module (BCM)
2. Windshield deicer switch
3. Deicer connector
4. Windshield deiecr

Windshield Deicer

Windshield Deicer Repair procedures
Inspection 1. Remove the cowl top cover. (Refer to Body - "Cowl Top Cover") 2. Disconnect the windshield deicer connector. 3. Check for continuity between the terminals of deicer lines. ...

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