10. Immediately drive approximately 4~6 miles (7~10 km or about 10 minutes) to evenly distribute the sealant in the tire.
Do not exceed a speed of 50 mph (80 km/h). If possible, do not fall below a speed of 12 mph (20 km/h).
While driving, if you experience any unusual vibration, ride disturbance or noise, reduce your speed and drive with caution until you can safely pull off of the side of the road.
Call for road side service or towing.
When you use the Tire Mobility Kit, the tire pressure sensors and wheel may be damaged by sealant, have it inspected at an authorized dealer.
Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Owners Manual: Average fuel economy/ Instant fuel economy
Average Fuel Economy (1)
The average fuel economy is calculated by the total driving distance and
fuel consumption since the last average fuel economy reset.
The average fuel economy can be reset both manually and automatically.
Manual reset
To clear the average fuel economy manually, ...
Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Speaker Repair procedures
Troubleshooting for Speaker
Basic inspection of speaker
Inspect the sound from speaker after verifying that the
speaker mounting screws is removed and the wiring connector is connected
precisely to remove vibration transmitted from body trims and
surrounding parts.